Category Archives: Copywriting

Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church

Provide substantive (developmental) editing, copy editing, writing and consultative services for the general agency. Standard materials include the organization’s e-newsletters, special promotional print collateral, video scripts, news releases, and other projects as needed including the following:

pastorstoolkit247Revised and recast the language for 13 Mission Initiatives to focus on the programs’ positive gains in each country.

Substantive editing for UMCOR’s 75th Anniversary materials.

Substantive editing for Evangelization and Church Growth in the African Context, which is a compilation of articles from nine African authors.

Interview donors and write profiles for the agency’s Planned Giving Newsletter.

4 Areas of Focus

4 Areas Brochure CoverRevised a complex brochure on the four areas of focus for The United Methodist Church and how they apply to the General Board of Global Ministries to meet new communications standards.

The brochure can be ordered online at Cokesbury.

UMCOR Unit Brochures

UMCOR Unit BrochuresThese seven award-winning* brochures addressed the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s need to promote the unique work of each of its units while also creating awareness of the full body of UMCOR’s work. Previously, unit-specific materials made no mention of the larger organization.

The four-panel brochures first open to show two panels that provide general information about the organization and it’s work.  Inside, is a concise description of the specific UMCOR unit. These brochures replaced multiple print pieces that struggled to communicate the work of UMCOR’s various units.

All other unit-specific materials are available online.  Unique URLS were secured for each unit and published in the relevant brochure to make it easier for readers to find more information and to drive them to the UMCOR website while also reducing the number of print pieces that are produced annually.

*DeRose Hinkhouse Award of Excellence 2009